

My posts, like my library books (sorry Dad) are overdue. So to the three of you still reading this, I apologize. When I look at the archives of this site and see how much I posted in years past, a few things occur to me:

1. Vicki takes some great photos
2. It probably shouldn't have taken me 18 months to write my thesis
3. In addition to being a wonderful procrastination enabler, this site has helped me to keep some precious memories.

So once again, dear reader, I will do my best to keep up to date. Lately work has been all, um, work-y, but if you really want someone to blame for the radio silence, I think the obvious choice is Jane.

OK, not really. But I did need an excuse to share this picture from the weekend.

Good to be back. Lots more to come. Stay tuned...

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