
Man in a suitcase

I had to travel to Ft. Lauderdale this weekend for work [I know, poor me], and while the trip was nice and short --- I left Friday afternoon and was back home mid-morning on Sunday --- Samson is much more aware and affected by my travel now than even just a few months ago.

I'm not sure Jane noticed I was gone, but it was nice to see that big smile when I returned.

It was interesting watching people on my plane who were traveling with kids manage all the things they needed to manage. I had just my carry on bag and tried to look with both sympathy and solidarity as they struggled. And then I fell asleep.

On the way down, I sat, unintentionally, behind a couple with two small children, which worked out really well because then no one wanted to sit next to me. Honestly, it was like those two kids had dynamite belts on and were reading copies of the Turner Diaries.

Eventually, the plane filled up and those seats were taken by a weirdly tan couple, the female half of which looked like Rod Stewart. She spent the majority of the flight drinking rum and cokes. Look, I'm no Calvinist, but if you need three or four rum and cokes for a two and a half hour flight, maybe you should consider the train. Or AA.

Anyway, I'm back. The weekend was fine; the weather was amazing, and it looks like spring is starting to make some tentative steps forward here.

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