
Sights and sounds

Samson's class has science once a week, and they've been working on the senses. They did a blind taste test (which Samson aced, correctly naming all 5 foods). Why this makes me proud, I don't know, but it does. That's right, my boy knows a marshmallow even when he can't see it.

Anyway, the results were posted on a chart outside his classroom and included the child's name, the food, and their response.

Charlotte, who shares a cubby with Samson, identified the olive as "martini." Her parents must be very proud.

In keeping with their senses unit, the kids were later asked about their favorite things to see, taste, etc. I saw the list outside Sam's classroom and just stood there smiling. I don't think there's anything I can add that wouldn't be superfluous, so here it is:

My favorite thing to see: whales jumping

My favorite thing to taste: carrots

My favorite thing to touch: marshmallows

My favorite thing to smell: pasta

My favorite thing to hear: Jane laughing

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