

A noble goal for any society, particularly those that claim to be democracies.

Colorblindness on a personal level, however, is a pain in the bum. I have what they call red-green deficiency, which makes no sense to me, since I can spot those colors a mile away.

It's the blue/purple divide that gives me trouble [I can't even tell you how many light purple dress shirts I've almost bought, thinking they were blue].

Why am I telling you this? Because Samson, for reasons known only to him, is obsessed with taking the paper/wrappers off his crayons.

Which is funny, in a way, because he is so industrious about it and will sit quietly for minutes at a time completely engrossed in this task.

Unfortunately, it means that I have no reliable guide for the colors he's using. Obviously not a big deal when it's a brown or yellow crayon, but yesterday morning he was using a red crayon to color some trucks in his coloring book. He then reached for another crayon and started to color. The following exchange ensued:

Me: You draw very nicely. What color is that crayon?

Samson: Red.

Me: Very good. What about the other crayon?

Samson: Blue.

Me: No, I think it's actually purple.

Samson: [not looking up] Blue.

Me: Purple. Can you say "purple"?

Samson: Blue.

I let it go, figuring there was no point in arguing with a toddler who was quietly coloring. Besides, I was only half-sure I was right.

As we readied to head out for our Father's Day outing, I asked Samson if he wanted to bring some of his Thomas trains with him.

Me: Do you want to bring some of your Thomas trains with you?

Samson: Yeah.

Me: How about that green one, Percy?

Samson: Yeah.

Me: And Thomas? What color is Thomas?

Samson: Blue.

Me: How about the purple one, Fergus?

Vicki: [Laughing] Fergus is blue.

Me: Ok, bring the "blue" train, Fergus.

Absent the prescriptive Crayola wrapper, I'm willing to let the crayon conundrum be, but I'm pretty sure that Fergus is, indeed, purple.

Can I get a little help here? I think Vicki may be Gaslight-ing me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Brian. Fergus is more blue than purple. Perhaps you can compromise and call it "blurple". Come to think of it, this may end all of your color blindedness issues. You could even write a book, "The Color Blurple".

dada said...

I'll take your word for it, but boy that train sure looks purple to me. I guess you really enjoyed the Prince movie "Blue Rain"?