
Sleepless in South America

Samson's nightmares continue apace. He woke up last night around 12:30, and we just couldn't get him settled. So we brought him into our bed, which almost always means that Vicki is in for a lousy night's sleep.

Not so last night; he was all about my side.

We have a king-sized bed, so space is not usually a problem. But apparently Samson is a restless and roaming sleeper.

What does this mean? Put it this way: If our bed was a map of
South America, he'd be Brazil. And Peru. Also, Ecuador.

Vicki, also known as Argentina, slept soundly --- all snug and comfy on the east coast, her dreams of Patagonia set to soothing tangos.

Sadly, I was Chile --- barely holding on along the western edge and in constant danger of simply falling off into the Pacific/onto the floor, dreams of Pinochet dancing in my head.

Needless to say, I'm a little sleepy this morning. The kind of sleepy where you get out of the shower only to realize that you still have shampoo in your hair.

When I woke, Samson had his little face just a few inches from mine, and I started my day by watching those big blue eyes open and was greeted with a big "hi."

Actually a pretty nice way to start the day, all things considered.

Even so, I'm going to bed early tonight. And I'm totally grabbing the Bolivia spot...

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