

Samson loves dinosaurs. He also loves Noah's Ark. As luck would have it, there's a new museum that, quite literally, joins the two. Good for them.

It's about time. I'm so tired of boring exhibits on fossils and "science." Finally, we can just concentrate on the cool stuff: like how Noah got all those dinosaurs onto the boat.

What concerns me about this museum is not the substitution of faith for science or the calcifying effect of belief (religious or otherwise) on honest dialogue. Sure these are important issues.

But I wonder what it means for a family I care deeply about. Are you going to tell me these people never existed? The Great Gazoo you can keep, but I refuse to believe Fred and Wilma were just made up to keep me quiet on Saturday mornings (and later, to shill really awful cereal). I know what I believe, and no amount of high-tech chicanery will make me budge.

Also, I'm not sure if there's an exhibit on the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis (6:4), but I'd travel to Kentucky to see that. Wouldn't you?

By the way, I think Samson thinks that Noah's last name is Zark. Every time we play with his little Fisher Price set, he apportions out the people and animals and invariably I get Mrs. Noah and he gets "NoahZark."

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