

We had Samson's birthday party yesterday, and he started his music class on Saturday, so there's lots of stuff to get to, but since I don't have access to any of the photos, this brief update on school will have to suffice for now.

We met Ms. Carrie, who seems very nice and who made Samson her special helper this morning. [Apparently, the ticket to getting these patronage jobs is being on the verge of tears; just fyi.]

Not only has the birthday board been fixed --- and not a moment too soon with his birthday just a few days away --- but apparently that boy in his class really is named Ruddy. Imagine my surprise when I met his parents, Swarthy and Olive.

OK, that last part isn't true; but I did see the name "Ruddy" on his lunchbox.

Just wanted to set the record straight.

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