
Bubble boy

Samson and Jane went to the dentist yesterday. Their dentist only handles kids and is apparently very kind and patient and gives out loads of swag. Including the little surgical masks that hygienists wear. Which meant that for the rest of the day, Samson insisted on wearing his "catcher's mask."

After the dentist, Vicki took the kids food shopping. With the double seat shopping carts, the kids face forward, and she couldn't figure out why people kept looking at her with some mix of alarm and pity. She figured it out at the checkout counter.

He took it off for dinner, but that was about it. Last night, at the park, he pulled the thing out of his pocket, and I spent a half hour playing catch and probably looking like either the most over-cautious parent in the world (this being high pollen season) or some kind of mean dad making his obviously ill child play catch despite having some horrible disease that necessitates the wearing of a surgical mask.

Samson is at school today, sans mask, so maybe it was just a one-day thing. If not, I'll be sure to get a picture so you get the full effect.

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