

The following are pieces of conversations I've had in the last month or two. I realize that hearing the "darnedest" thing that somebody else's kid said is the aural equivalent of being forced to watch vacation slides, so you are duly forewarned...

In the grocery store:

Samson (pointing to a bag of Doritos): Can we get those?

Me: No. They make your hands turn orange.

Samson: I know. That's why I like them. I love orange.

At home:

Samson: Did they have bathrooms on the Death Star?

Me: I don't know. I mean, I guess so.

Samson: It would be weird to walk into the bathroom and see Darth Vader peeing.

Me: [silence]

In the car:

Jane: STOP!

Me: What's the matter?

Jane: The sun is bothering me.

Me: Is the sun in your eyes? Turn your head.

Jane: No. The sun keeps looking at me.

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