
The ladies' man

Just got a call from Vicki, who is in the car with young Samson running errands. They were stopped at a light, when Vicki noticed a teenaged girl in the car next to them waving somewhat frantically.

Did she know this girl?

A neighbor? No.

A former student?

She ran through the list of white students she'd had from when she was a school counselor (roughly equivalent to the number of NHL players with all their own teeth).

No again.

She then began to scan the rearview mirror for signs of a door ajar or something that might be hanging out of the trunk.


At that point, and just before the light changed, she heard a "hiiiii" from behind her, and realized that the girl was waving at Sam, who was waving, smiling, and generally flirting from his little rear-facing throne.

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