
Not quite Maxwell's silver hammer

File under: do not try this at home. Samson has a little toy hammer, which makes silly "bonk" and "woop" noises when you hit the head of the hammer against an object.

Last weekend, in what can be charitably described as a lapse of judgment, I took the hammer and gently tapped my head with it, eliciting the "bonks" and "woops" from said hammer and a gale of giggles from young Samson. Unfortunately, he has taken to trying this on me (eliciting more cries of "gentle, gentle" than "bonks" or "woops"), and this morning I caught him hammering his own head. Even sadder, the hammer noises were turned off, so I found him sitting in the living room hitting himself and accompanied by only the sound of semi-hard plastic on his head. So much for me and my Buster Keaton routines...

In somewhat related news, the night before last I juggled some tennis balls for him [I know, is there no end to my skills?] and then invited him to try. Can you guess what happened next?

I can't wait to try this in the produce section the next time we go grocery shopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that its just not uncles that introduce thing like this to little ones.