
Lawnmower man

Now that the weather is nice, Samson can finally get outside and get some yard work done.

This was a gift from his Uncle Greg and Aunt Maura, and it actually shoots bubbles out the side as you "mow." At least it does on lawns that are reasonably level. Ours is more like an artillery practice ground, so although Samson can still mow, he ends up watering the lawn with bubble solution.

By the way, all he'd need to complete the 70-year-old-man-mowing-lawn look would be dark socks instead of the white ones. If it's still warm in October, this would be a great Halloween costume. We could even get him a tiny shirt that said something like "#1 Grandpa" or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that kid is finally paying some dividends. He's cute and all but honestly, he was starting to slack a bit with his chores.

By the way, Brian, a better Halloween costume might be you dressed-up as Samson pushing the bubble mower.