
Vicarious living, sponsored by Samson

I meant to post this on Friday, but I couldn't get the photos to load. On Thursday, Sam & Co. went to a new park. This is apparently the greatest park ever, and the boys were having a grand old time exploring all the cool slides and climby things.

But then the construction guys on the site next to the park finished their lunch break, and all bets were off.

We took a walk Sunday morning and spent almost 20 minutes watching some guy in a small, green backhoe dig up corroded PVC piping in front of the bank. The look on Samson's face was one of pure rapture: He kept pointing and asking me, "see that? see that?"

It must be funny to be a construction worker/fireman/truck driver/garbageman and know that you are essentially a rock star for kids Samson's age (and older). And let's be honest, would you rather watch some guy move big things with a crane or bear witness to a well crafted e-mail being sent? I'm not looking to switch jobs or anything; I'm just saying is all.

I can just picture Sam and his buddies lined up along the fence at a job site waiting for the guys to get off work and sign their toy tractors and diggers.


Anonymous said...

When S.J.O. Construction opens for business in 2026, this picture will be printed on the company's t-shirts. Absolutely fantastic.

Note to all 3 Mamas & Dadas - please note the future date used above. Twenty years will allow ample time for all 3 of them to complete college before entering the construction business.

Anonymous said...

whenever the kids come by and watch at my sites, the workers usually get a kick out of them. lots of hard hats disappear that way