
Paging Dr. Erikson

Although he'll only be 19 months old this Friday, for all intents and purposes, Samson is now 2.

I say this not as someone who keeps a checklist of developmental milestones on the bedside table --- parents who are super-apprised of what their children should be doing at certain ages have always left me cold.

No, I say this as someone who has tried --- and failed --- to successfully steer my child through a supermarket aisle.

In conjunction with his new self-awareness --- have I mentioned that when he looks in the mirror, he points to himself and says "Sam" --- he's figured out the whole free will thing.

Which is obviously wonderful and cause for great joy and celebration. I'm serious about this.

But it also means he may end up getting run over by a shopping cart as he exercises this newfound freedom.

At home, he's now figured out that eating doesn't always have to be a three-step process (i.e., insert food, chew, swallow), but that you can spit it back out, remark "funny," and then pick it up off the tray and start over again. He's also tried this with milk, albeit with less success.

And of course, four times out of five I can keep it together and gravely inform him that we don't behave that way at the table.

But the other 20 percent is lost as I struggle in vain to suppress a smile.

I may have to start wearing a hockey mask to dinner.

[Years from now he'll be the only kid at a sleepover who watches Friday the 13th and, rather than being frightened, is somehow reminded to wipe his mouth and chew his food slowly...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He'll either think of Jason or perhaps his Yankee fan father will show him re-runs of Chuck Knoblauch's "challenges" throwing the ball to 2nd base back in the late '90s. At one road game (Cleveland or Chicago), the fans sitting in the seats behind 1st base were all wearing hockey masks to protect themselves from "Chuckie". Pretty funny.