
Almost two

Samson turns two on Thursday, and while he's still getting the hang of the whole holding up two fingers thing, I am still amazed at just how quickly our little man is growing up.

[Sidenote: I'm being generous when I say "still getting the hang of" --- his version looks less like a little peace sign and more like a crooked "W." Basically, he's flashing gang signs from his high chair.]

In any event, just thought I'd share a few highlights from the past 12 months.

Happy birthday, Samson James. I hope you always know how much you are loved.


Anonymous said...

He's an incredible little guy. And I think he'd be okay with me saying that his parents are pretty incredible too! HB Sammy J! According to various medical journals, the 3rd year is when your duckpin bowling skills develop the most so make sure your uncle lets you hold and bowl the ball on your own!

Anonymous said...

HAppy Birthday Sam!!! Though you are far away(at least far enough that great grandma wont drop in) We all think about you all the time. So, happy B'day from Aunt Mary and your cousins Christine and Amy(is there such a thing as great cousins?) and Aunt Jeanne and me and great Grandma and the new york yankees and ... well you get the point. Hope to be seeing you soon

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Samson! We miss you all so very much! I can't believe how big you're getting! Uncle Ben and I wish we could be with you for the big birthday, but we hope you have a wonderful time eating/playing with your cake:-) Hugs and kisses!