

Now that Samson is speaking regularly in sentences, he has started keeping us apprised of things he doesn't like. On any given day --- and today was a particularly cranky one because he's got a bad head cold ( and let's face it, it's hard to be pleasant when you're drowning in your own snot) --- Samson will inform us (often apropos of nothing) that he doesn't like something.

Among the things he didn't like today:

1. Me, but only for a little while.

2. The number 99; Vicki mentioned something about this number, and we heard a little voice from the back seat protest: "I don't like ninety-nine."

3. The Holy Spirit. [We've been working on the whole genuflection thing, but when Vicki was practicing it with him, he wanted nothing to do with the last third of the Holy Trinity. Go figure; he was always my favorite --- I pictured him looking sort of like a cross between Jacob Marley and Moses.]

4. Having his nose wiped. This was a continuous theme throughout the weekend. Which was too bad, because it was something we did about 4,000 times between Saturday morning and Sunday bedtime.

5. Seatbelts, jackets, not holding one's cup upside down, cough medicine, sitting down, getting a diaper change, and milk. Interestingly, this medley of dislikes could probably also make it to a "what Samson liked today" list.

I don't like to brag, but my son is really good at being two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous? Maybe. But oh, so funny and we love you anyway!!