

I got home from work last night to find Vicki and Samson in the kitchen baking.

As you can see, Samson is an eager apprentice and definitely not afraid to get a little flour on himself.

Unfortunately, something went awry in the process. We were all in the living room reading a Clifford book (which Samson calls, in UB40 fashion, "Red Red Dog") when Vicki noticed the kitchen was filling with smoke. Not a good sign for the cake.

About 10 seconds later the smoke alarms in the kitchen and the upstairs hallway went off. The kitchen one is no big deal; we usually disconnect it when we've got something on the stove because it's so sensitive.

But the upstairs hallway one has a creepy robot voice that barks out "Warning. Smoke has been detected in the hallway. Evacuate immediately."

Which is great in the event we ever need it, but it must have been really weird for Sam as he smelled burning batter, heard some man issuing commands from a box on the ceiling upstairs, and watched his parents spring into action.

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