

With Vicki closing in on her final trimester and getting bigger by the day, there's a lot of talk in our house lately about bellies. Specifically, what's in them.

We know what --- I should say who --- is in Mommy's belly. But the larger question of other people's bellies remains.

We've rented a Stork Radio, so we can listen to the baby's heartbeat without having to wait for the monthly trip to the doctor. I highly recommend this; it's terrific for peace of mind. We did it when Vicki was pregnant with Sam, and it really was great. This baby is a lot more active than he was, so Vicki is feeling her bump and wiggle all day long, but I still appreciate the chance to hear that little heart beating away...

It's also been fun for us to watch Samson listening to his own belly. He remains unconvinced about the absence of a baby in there.

Unfortunately, he is also under the impression that everyone in the wider world [no pun intended] with a big belly is pregnant.

You can guess the kind of excitement this lends to trips to the store, the mall, the park, etc.

I know the NIH and others keep writing about this, but I can confirm it from a nonscientific, non-evidence-based, research perspective: there's a lot of big bellies out there.

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