
Sam Kenobi?

I knew this day would come, but I was hoping it would be later rather than sooner. Samson's teacher, Miss Jackie, is home sick today.

He was already unhappy about going to school. Actually, that's not true. We talked the whole ride there about what he'd do today (sing songs, make crafts, take a nap, play) and who he'd see (Miss Jackie, Jordan, Maeve, Charlie --- which he pronounces "Cholly," kind of like a cross between Brando and Dave Chapelle imitating Rick James).

In any event, when we turned the corner, it was like a light switched on that all this talk about school was not theoretical but actual. We were, in fact, at school. And so began the chorus of "nos."

Even so, he was fine until we got into the big room, at which point he lost it.

Usually when this happens, Miss Jackie takes him from me and they stand by the window to wave to me as I go to my car. He seemed to figure out before I did that MJ wasn't there today.

I don't know if he pulled an Obi-wan and sensed a disturbance in the force or just scanned the room faster than I did, but it was bad times.

On a more positive note, I did see that his class got pets: two goldfish. I asked Samson their names, and he told me "girls and boys." I think I'll ask again tonight.

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