
Calvin and Sam?

Somehow, Samson's time at an Episcopalian preschool has turned him into a Calvinist.

OK, this is not strictly true. I mean, it's not like he comes home and goes on and on about election. And to be fair, he shows no interest at all in the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" coloring book I got him. But lately, he is obsessed with grace.

Our family goes to church. Not every Sunday. And not always every other Sunday. And we're definitely not that family sitting with "father" before Mass having coffee and bagels. But we go more than we don't.

At least as far as you know.

Anyway, my point is that Samson has some familiarity with organized religion. Even if it does seem to revolve around Cheerios and footraces. So it's not like this is some totally new concept for him.

Apparently at his school, in addition to chapel on Mondays [what would you give to be a fly on the wall of the two-year-old chapel session?] they say grace before lunch. Which I think is really sweet. And we have always said grace before dinner at our house. I think it's important for us to remember to be thankful for what we've got. This is honestly one of the things I hope to teach Samson as he grows.

But within reason. Right now, I can't so much as grab an apple without getting a stern "Daddy, fold your hands" rebuke from the grace Nazi.

While my parents were visiting, each time a new person sat down for breakfast, we had to say grace all over again or risk the wrath of Cotton Mather in feety pjs. I can't wait until the next time we eat out somewhere and he starts patrolling the other diners. Good times...

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