
Say it loud...

Something really strange happened last night while Samson and I were downstairs playing with Play-Doh. By the way, if you haven't played with Play-Doh in a while, there are two things you should know.

1. It still tastes salty. [My curiosity got the better of me, and I took a tiny taste while Samson wasn't looking. I figured it would be the same, but with all the new colors, I wasn't completely sure that they hadn't gone all "new" Coke on us.]

2. According to the warning label on the container, Play-Doh contains wheat. Some of Samson's friends are allergic to wheat, so I know how serious it can be. I also would never in a million years have guessed it contained anything related in any way to food. So now you know.

Anyway, while we were cleaning up and I was trying --- in vain --- to separate out all the squished colors and put them back in their respective little tubs, I asked Samson to hand me the black Play-Doh. [One of the new colors: great for making wheels and snakes and handlebar moustaches, but I digress.]

Amazingly, he went and picked up said doh and brought it over to me, singing "I'm black Play-Doh; I'm black Play-Doh." At which point he dropped the last part and started dancing around our basement singing "I'm bla-aaack; I'm blaa-aack!"

I have no idea what this means or where it's come from. But I think it's hilarious. Maybe it was that James Brown mobile he had as a newborn...

On the Jane front, her umbilical stump fell off today. Which will make changing her diaper a heck of a lot easier. I don't know what your experience has been, but the nurses at our hospital put the fear of God into us about touching the thing. Of course, when we took Sam for his first doctor's appointment, his pediatrician saw that it was hanging on by a thread and simply pulled it off.

Even so, I wasn't touching that thing for love or money, so I'm really glad hers fell off on its own. And Samson was really excited to hear the news because "now she's big."

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