
Calamity Jane

Perhaps I understated my case when I mentioned that changing Jane had become difficult. At this point, the only way to keep her from rolling over and crawling right off the changing pad is a strategic series of zrrbrrts, which make her laugh and weaken her Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu style defenses.

In the space of just a few days, she has not only become a really fast crawler, but she's also developed this unbelievable stubborn streak. Honestly, we watched her crawl out of our room and nearly all the way into hers in pursuit of a toy that Samson was holding.

Likewise, on Saturday, she actually had to be restrained from pursuing the cat around the living room.

Samson is in trouble when she learns to walk (which at this rate might be before Christmas).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know where she got that stubborn streak, I have seen it for decades. there is a hint in case you can't guess. i just hope she dont kick me in the knee.