
T minus seven

With Christmas only a week away, this is usually the time of year when I am finally able to slow down and get excited about the coming holiday.

But with work busier than ever and the economic picture starting to feel bleaker by the day (on both the macro and micro level), it's felt more like slouching toward Bethlehem than following that guiding star.

Which is not to say things are all doom and gloom at our house. To the contrary: The tree is up, the stockings are hung, there are presents to wrap, and cookies to bake for Santa. My parents will be spending the holidays with us, and I can't wait for them to experience the joy of being with Samson and Jane on Christmas morning.

Yet there is still that nagging something, like the draft that creeps into the house and gets under even your warmest blankets. So in an attempt to help anyone else with a touch of December malaise, I give you: Linus Van Pelt.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Brian. I've been struggling with conflicting emotions about this holiday season. I'm trying to remind myself that despite the fact that Ben isn't here, this is Emily's one and only first Christmas and I have to try to get in the spirit for her sake. It's not easy to feel "peace and joy" under the circumstances. So thank you Brian, and Linus, for reminding me what this season is really about.

Anonymous said...

I truly mean this when I say, THAT is my FAVORITE monologue of ALL TIME. I didn't even hit the play tab to hear it because I know it word for word. From the time Linus asks to dim the lights to the moment he wraps it up for poor ol' Chuck, I listen with all my heart. At 37 years old, this keepsake of my childhood still speaks to me. I often ask, "Why is it so hard for people to enjoy Christmas?"