
Almost two

Sweet Jane turns two tomorrow. Hard to believe how big she's getting.

So what have we learned in the past year? Jane likes capes. And swinging. And the ocean. She's pretty fast but usually tips you off before making a move by announcing: "running, running."

Jane likes to eat. A lot. And she's not shy about asking for seconds. Or thirds.

She would also rather not wear socks or shoes. Even in winter.

Jane loves her brother, but she is not afraid of him. At all.

She loves her nana. And dogs. Usually in that order. Also, she likes to play and watch TV (all day).

She is sweet and strong and funny and full of surprises. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the past year. Happy last day of being one Sweet Jane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday jane, time flies when you ar having fun, Uncle Tim
ps great grandma dottie thinks its cool you can count to 10