
I blame the parents

Aaaaaaaaaand we're back. Long time between posts, I know. Sorry. Oh like you've been waiting by the monitor all this time...

So the other night, we're having dinner and Samson starts another round of "questions that don't really have answers." What follows is close to verbatim:

Samson: "Was God around when there were superheroes?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Samson: "I mean, are they friends?"

Vicki: "Superheroes aren't real. They're stories."

Samson: "I know. But is God their friend?"

Me (to Vicki): "Hey did you see his school is running a 'Superheroes of the Bible' camp this summer?"


Samson: "I could be a Bible hero. Maybe I could be Daniel."

Me: "That would be pretty cool. Or you could be Samson..."

Samson: "Or maybe I could be one of the Roman soldiers that got Jesus dead."


Me: "Really? You'd want to be a Roman soldier? I don't think they were very nice; you know, they hurt Jesus."

Samson: "But they have cool weapons. And helmets."

Vicki: "I am really not looking forward to Easter."

Needless to say, Samson's interest in his kids' Bible and continuing affection for chapel is kind of a double-edged sword. [And yes, I intended that pun. I intended the hell out of it.]

I overheard him telling Jane the other day about how after David beat Goliath, he cut his head off. Which I'm pretty sure is not what happened (although it does give the story a cool Braveheart kind of denouement).

Either way, this Pascal Season is going to really interesting.

By the way, I thought it was OK to let his misuse of "got" go in this case. As much as I'd like him to be using transitive verbs when needed, somehow our conversation didn't need the addition of the word "kill."


tj sondermann said...

I'd just assumed that you and Samson had been watching "The Wire" together, in which case, the phrase "getting someone dead" would not have been completely out of the ordinary. viz. "Omar needs to get got."

Andrea Kay said...

What in the world are they teaching him in school?!?! See, always blame the school. ;) We are looking for a good children's bible for Christian. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Jacob said the same thing about cutting Goliath's head off! Ok, the bible is very violent. But is that all necessary? Geez those Episcopalians! I didn't realize they were so blood-thirsty. I really need to be a fly on the wall in those sweet little bimonthly chapel sessions.