
Found in translation

I realize Samson is an early talker. And I appreciate it, honestly. There is nothing in the world I love more than hearing his little voice saying "hi" or trying out a new word ["blessyou" after we sneeze is the latest addition].

With that said, I feel like I'm his walking subtitler/interpreter whenever we're out. Particularly whenever there are truck sightings. Which is way more often than you'd imagine.

When Samson says truck, he replaces the first consonant with the last, skips the 'r' and goes right to the final phoneme. Essentially, every time he sees a truck he calls out "kok," which always prompts my half of the call-and-response: "I see that truck, Samson. That's a [insert truck type here, usually garbage or dump]. Can you say TR-uck? TRrrrrrruck?"

Clearly this is how he will learn (I hope), and I do think it's kind of funny. But I can also feel strangers giving us the fish eye, as if to say: "what are you teaching this kid at home?" I expect this will only occur more frequently now that he's started saying "fire truck."

Sam's pretty good with the "f" sound but the rest gets blended in with the hard consonant sound at the end of the second word.

Can you guess what that sounds like?

Also, can you guess how much faster I am with the subtitles?

When that fails, I look apologetically at the offended stranger, smile slightly, and gravely intone: "his mother just got out of prison."

Which is even funnier when Vicki is somewhere in the vicinity and comes back while said offended stranger is still nearby.

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