
Songs of experience and innocence

I'm sure this is not what William Blake had in mind, but I thought I'd pass along these two small pieces of wisdom...

1. Baby-sized goldfish snacks are a cute idea, and we were certainly taken in by the clever marketing/packaging. But at the end of the day, they're really just a challenge to see how many cute little fish your cute little toddler can stuff in his cute little mouth at one time. Which can only lead to one thing. And even cute little fish can't make choking fun. There's no such thing as a cute little Heimlich maneuver. [Sidenote: I am always amazed at how blithely Samson continues with his day after I've had to do some kind of finger-sweep of his mouth. It scares the hell out of me, but he seems to take it as a matter of course. ]

2. Just because you are careful and take out all the potentially dangerous things under the bathroom sink doesn't mean your child won't find something in there to play with. And it's not like we leave Samson alone in the bathroom to play, but apparently it only takes a minute to set up a tampon/toilet lid drum kit.

I really wish we had taken a picture of this.

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