
Tiny bubbles

I don't know what the good people at Gymboree put in their bubble solution, but those bubbles are awesome. They're thick, if such a thing is possible, and they don't explode on impact but rather rest gently on the carpet, chair, cat, etc. I'm sure there's an episode of Mr. Wizard's World somewhere in all of this.

Anyway, Samson is now obsessed with blowing bubbles. And he's pretty good at it.

Although he kept putting the business end of the bubble pipe (wand, bugle, shofar?) in his mouth --- which might account for his super gurgly stomach afterwards. Clearly he's not a candidate for aversion therapy. [He was probably thinking, "hey, this tastes like the bathwater I enjoy so much."]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute!! (we just discovered last night that jake likes to screw off the top of the gymboree bubble solution and dump the contents on the carpet--the heck with blowing the stuff!!)