
Reading (it's fundamental)

Have you ever read something and thought "Wow, this author is really speaking to me. He totally gets it." I can distinctly recall reading certain books as a kid and just really connecting with what the author was saying or what the character was feeling. I'm no reading specialist (although I'm related to two), but I'd bet that that kind of connection is what gets kids hooked on reading.

Obviously Samson can't read yet, but I think he's already had that experience. If you don't have kids, reading No, David! is a pretty good primer on life with a toddler. If you do have them, almost every page is recognizable.

As Vicki read the book to him, Samson was looking at the pictures and you could just see his little mind working away, going "man, this guys totally gets it. It's like why can't I put my cars in the toilet? And let's be honest, it is funny when I stick lo-mein in my hair. Stand strong, David. There are millions of us out here, and we're all drawing on the walls with you, brother..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've purposely avoided that book so I wouldn't put any ideas in a certain toddler's head!