
St. Francis, the early years?

In December, when Samson and I were stringing up Christmas lights on the tree in our front yard, he sneezed and had a giant snot hanging from his nose.

Because I'm not 73, I don't carry a handkerchief in my pocket. So I deftly removed it from his nose with my hands and wiped it on the bark of the tree. Vicki thought this was gross. Samson thought it was about the coolest thing I'd ever done.

Fast forward two months. Of late, Samson has had a stuffy nose. And while we try to keep him supplied with tissues, occasionally he takes matters into his own hands. Literally.

Unfortunately, he feels the need to give me all items removed from his nose. What's even funnier is that he does it in this very offhand way, sometimes coming from another room with outstretched hand and a casual "hereyougo."

Anyway, yesterday morning, as I was getting him out of his car seat in the parking lot of his school, I heard "Daddy?" and looked down and got the "hereyougo."

There on the tip of his index finger was a tiny green asteroid, which I grabbed and flicked to the ground with all the speed and grace of an Ang Lee hero. What follows is a rough transcription of our conversation:

Samson: Where'd my boogie go?

Me: I flicked it on the ground.

Samson: Outside?

Me: Yep, outside on the ground.

Samson: So the birds can eat it?

Me: Sure, if they want to.

Samson: If they want to. The birds will eat my boogie. (Nodding) They will. They want to.

[Of course this makes me wonder what exactly he thought we were offering the birds last week when we hung up a peanut butter pine cone bird feeder. ]


Anonymous said...

I guess that's why I found him flicking a boogie onto his bedroom floor last night. Yum.

Anonymous said...

All those years as a child I spent flicking boogers, and your 'way with words' somehow made it more gross than I remember. Thanks dada my stomach is officially turning.

Anonymous said...

You know, that conversation had just a bit too much of a Stephen king tone to it