
Spring fever?

Holy cow what a weekend.

Saturday was gorgeous, and we did get to spend some time outside, but Samson has clearly got some kind of crazy cabin fever going on.

Seriously, on Saturday while he was supposed to be napping, Vicki went into his room to find him standing on his window sill looking out the window.

Before you call Child Protective Services, you should know that the window was locked and the safety latches were on, but there he was, both feet firmly planted on the window sill looking out at the neighbors' house. I can only imagine what it must have looked like from the outside. Thank goodness they weren't home. That's not a phone call I want to get.

This is not the first time we've caught him in the window. Indeed, it was just last week that he had his trains and tracks confiscated for the same reason.

Thomas and Co. are once again out of circulation. Except they're now sitting in the attic. Unfortunately, this didn't really seem to get any reaction at all from Sam. So I tried to earnestly explain what could happen if he fell. Not much headway there either.

But we've now moved his bed to what is essentially the middle of his room, which means he can't use it as a launching pad for anything but a quick trip to the floor. Which would be bad, but not nearly as bad as a fall from the window ledge.

It also means getting around his room is like navigating a subway car at rush hour.

I know he's just being two and a half, and just like some famous athletes, I guess we're supposed to chalk it up to Samson being Samson.

But good grief, last night before bedtime it was like having a coked-up pixie in the house.

He was running around with no diaper yelling "All Abooard" and exhorting everyone within earshot [probably the whole block] to hurry and get on the train. Then he stopped and said "Hey everybody, it's me: SAMSON!"

And where was I during the tour de Sam? I was sitting on the floor near his potty, diaper and pj pants at the ready [his, not mine], laughing.

It's madness, I tell you. Pure madness.

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