
Token economy

To assist Samson with potty training, we've introduced what teachers call a token economy.

Every time Samson pees on the potty, he gets a sticker. A poop on the potty is worth two stickers. And every three stickers gets a prize.

So basically we're bribing him to get him out of diapers.

And you know what? It's working.

Sort of.

He's now a champion at peeing on the potty.

Unfortunately, he is showing no inclination toward the two-sticker goal. And because he smarter than we are, he's figured out that he can go on juice box benders and almost assure himself of a prize every day without ever having to "shoot for two."

I'm not sure if we can change the rules just yet, but once the prize bag is empty (at this rate, it will be Saturday), I think we may need to draw up a new set of rules.

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