

So yeah, it's great that Vicki has her business up and running, but it's seriously cutting into her duties as official (and unpaid) photographer for this site.

In any event, in between trying to clean the house for Thanksgiving, trying to clean the yard [I bought a leaf blower and ironically listened to the "Into the Wild" soundtrack while blowing leaves into our neighbor's yard], and trying desperately to get Jane and Samson to nap at the same time, we took a break for a little photo shoot.

Anyway, if we learned anything today, it's that Samson will work for lollipops. And the chance to play with sticks.

And Jane, well she was a good sport for a little while. But even Sweet Jane has her limits.

Once inside, the day of no naps reared its ugly head. Not quite Altamont but a nice "behind the music" look at our family. [Just fyi: Only Vicki is faking distress in this picture. Jane has a real death grip, and Samson, well, he may need to work on his grappling skills.]

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