

The intense focus in our house on bodily functions [see training, potty; see also, accident avoidance] has had the unintended consequence of creating a running stand-up routine for Samson.

It's a fairly simple formula: He takes a sentence, like "Samson, please pick up that book" and then switches in the word poop or pee. Incessantly.

I'm not saying this is sophisticated stuff, and I imagine 3-year-old boys and bathroom humor are the bane of every nursery school teacher. Not to mention their parents.

But if he's going to try to be funny, it seems only right to give him some guidance. The other day Vicki was actually trying to get him to understand why poop is not always funny in a sentence. He was singing Dan Zanes' "Pay Me My Money Down," and I heard her explaining to him "Pay me my poopy down" was funny but "Pay me my money poop" was not.

A subtle difference to be sure, but therein lies the comedy. I can't wait to have to explain this next week at his parent-teacher conference...

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