

With cat firmly established in Samson's repertoire, we've been working on some other words: truck, dog, clock, antidisestablishmentarianism. The usual 'people in your neighborhood' stuff.

We've also been working on sounds. His friend Ethan is apparently a little Jim Fowler, with a whole ark of animal sounds at the ready. Sam's offerings, to date, are a little more modest. He knows what sound a sheep makes. Ask him, and you get a big smile and a proud "baaaa." Which, of course, makes me proud and gives me a big smile.

That said, he's also pretty sure that's the sound for snakes. And lions. Also dogs.

Although on this front, I'm probably not helping things. Whenever Vicki is going through the animals and their sounds, I like to throw in some wild cards --- giraffe, echidna, giant squid --- just to see what she comes up with.

Before you go feeling all bad, you should know this: she started it. I still don't know what sound the bunny makes.

You should also know that in our taxonomy, the giant squid says "heeeeeeeey." Sort of like this guy, but cooler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does your giant squid have an office in the restroom at Arthur's Drive In? That is the epitome of cool.