
The five-second rule

This morning during breakfast, Samson threw (as he is wont to do) his bagel to the floor. He accompanies throwing anything to the floor with a crashing noise (kind of a KSSSHHH sound).

I blame myself for this, as I employed the trick one night when trying to get him to calm down and into the crib. I took one of his stuffed animals, dropped it into the crib and did the KSSSHHH sound. Now every time something gets knocked over or dropped, we have our very own Michael Winslow providing sound effects.

Anyway, Vicki picked up the bagel within the five second window, blew on it (germs from the floor being very light), and handed it back to him. For the rest of breakfast, Sam blew on his bagel before taking a bite. I have no idea how we're going to explain hot soup to him.

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