

OK, so I'm a little late on the Christmas posts. Samson came down with an ear infection on the 23rd, and we spent some of Christmas Eve at the pediatrics clinic. Apparently he has some kind of genetic propensity toward ear infections. Thanks a lot, Vicki.

Apparently we also are not doing a good enough job of cleaning out his ears, because his right ear needed to be irrigated. Lets just say it's not something I hope he has to do again anytime soon. Still, this trip was better than the one last time. And it did seem to help. In fact, it produced a piece of ear wax roughly the size of a cuff link. So not only did we get to have a screaming, febrile toddler on our hands, but we also got to feel like neglectful parents. God bless us, everyone!

Anyway, Samson got his antibiotics and is on the mend. He was feeling well enough to go to church [although we didn't make it through the whole Mass] and then rallied again so as not to miss out on Jacob's Christmas Eve-palooza. And by Christmas morning, he was pretty much back to his old self.

I guess we should count ourselves lucky that he's good about taking his medicine. But to be honest, he's a little too excited about taking it for my liking. There's something about the way his face lights up when he sees that little plastic shot glass full of pink medicine that just makes me uneasy.

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