
The persistence of memory

Among Samson's more endearing traits is his uncanny memory. I don't know where he gets it from [ok, I can guess], but he remembers just about everything.

Unfortunately, he also gets kind of RainMan about it. So if he associates something with a person, he'll remember it --- and reference it --- every time that person's name is mentioned until something else memorable happens and takes its place. Which can take a while.

For example, we were at a barbecue at a friend's house where we met another friend's fiance for the first time. The poor guy got shanghaied into grill duty, and so when Samson and I walked over to meet him, he associated this guy, Mike, with my earlier warning about the barbecue being hot. For days afterwards, he would say "member Mike? Barbecue hot."

This is not something new, but it has reached an almost sublime level of ridiculousness in the past week. Apparently, when Samson and his buddy Jacob were playing last week, Jacob stepped in dog poo. Barefoot. As we walked past Jay's house today to go to the park, I heard a little voice calling up from the stroller: "Jacob. Poop. Sad."

Which, you have to admit, is funny. But also weird. Jacob is Samson's oldest friend. They were born two days apart and have known each other since way back in the day.

Let's hope Jacob wrestles an angel or something cool like that the next time the boys get together or the poor kid will be reminded from now until high school of the time he stepped in dog poo.

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