
Back to school

Today is Samson's first day back to school. I knew it would be different than last year because he's older, he has friends at school, and he knows the teachers. Even so, I was prepared for a little early-morning drama. Particularly as today is also Vicki's first day of work, so she and Jane were gone well before sleepyhead Sam was opening his eyes.

We'd been prepping him for the big day for a week or two now. Vicki and he had been playing school, and we'd been reading books about going to school. He even got a back-to-school haircut (complete with lollipop).

Because it doesn't officially start until after Labor Day, his school is run kind of like a day camp in the summertime. Which meant that we arrived on a scene of little people playing in a big room. The teachers all noted how big he'd gotten, and a few of his friends were sitting on the floor playing with trucks. He saw his nemesis from last year, Kaylee, and pointed and said: "That's the girl who takes things from me."

But beyond that, once he saw his buddy Colin and some trucks, he was ready to go. I leaned down to give him a hug and to offer a little pep talk and was greeted with a smile and a wave and a "bye Daddy!" And with that he was off to play.

So at least one of us didn't get teary this morning.

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