
Let the wild rumpus begin...

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. Busy at work. Busy at home. Too lazy to write in complete sentences.

Anyway, this past weekend Samson's friend Jordan had a birthday party at Port Discovery. Lots of fun to stuff to see, do, and climb on.

The theme of the party, I guess, was "Where the Wild Things Are," so at one point, one of the party attendants/employees announced that all the kids were going to another room to hear the story and do some crafts. To which she added, "Any parents who want to come are welcome, but you can also stay here in this room and chat and enjoy the food if you like. We'll be making masks and using scissors and glue." Not one parent stayed behind.

To her credit, she was great with the kids. But a dozen two- and three-year-olds with scissors and no parents is never a good idea. As Samson's classmate, Caroline, demonstrated: The "safety" part of a safety scissor is not like the safety on a gun. You can still poke yourself in the eye with it.

I'm assuming the party attendants were both college students --- probably early child development or education majors. Again, they were very nice, but their sense of "we can handle it" was sort of a "bring it on" moment.

No doubt full of can-do good intentions but probably best left untested.

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