
A different kind of space oddity

Every once in a while, I find a show that I really like and then poor Vicki has to put up with it taking up space on our TiVo. If you haven't seen HBO's "Flight of the Conchords," you really are missing out.

Honestly, this never fails to crack me up.

Among the things I hope for Samson and Jane as they grow older --- in addition to being compassionate and kind and just and wise and true to themselves and all the other good stuff --- I really hope they are funny.

Right now, some kid's Dad is imagining his boy receiving the Heisman Trophy or picturing his daughter delivering the valedictory address at Yale. Not that there's anything wrong with those things, but I'd much rather Sam and Jane be able to make people laugh --- even if it's just each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Vicki I'm with her! This is Ben's new found favorite. Their song "If that's what you're into" holds a high place on his myspace page. Geesh!