
Diminished capacity

Yesterday afternoon we went to the park near our house. It's amazing to see how much more agile Samson has become in just a few months' time; things he needed help climbing in spring he can how race to the top of. [Yes, I did just end that sentence with a preposition. And you know what? I don't even feel bad about it. In fact, I might even do it again. OK, probably not right now though.]

In any event, yesterday Samson was showing off his new found agility on the monkey bars. He can get himself all the way across with almost no help at all, and he's great at scrambling onto the platform at the end. So, emboldened by his playground prowess, I decided to test out my simian skills. Which I am happy to inform are pretty good. I too was able to swing arm over arm across the bars without touching the ground.

Unfortunately, my spatial relation skills are not so good. I thought I'd cleared the last bar when I pulled myself up onto the platform. Sadly, I had not. On the upside, I managed not to scream (or cry) any expletives. But it hurt. A lot.

Samson sweetly looked down on his broken old dad from the platform and planted a kiss on the top of my head, saying "There. That will help you feel better."

Which it did. Sort of, but it took me a bit to shake the cobwebs. And I discovered last night, in addition to the Adam Rich-sized knot on my head, that I actually broke the skin.

Pathetic. Skinned knees, sure. Barked shins, of course. But scraped scalp? Ridiculous.

That said, I may try to slip out of work early today. I've already started "losing my train of thought" in conversations, and I think I just need to call one more person "Vicki," and I'll be home-free...

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