
There will be blood

Apparently young Samson is prone to getting bloody noses. I say apparently because he's had several in the last few weeks. This is not without precedent, but heretofore it's been related either to nose-picking or winter and the onset of a head cold.

So the summer version has caught us (or at least me) unprepared. Vicki spoke to his doctor, who suggested that he might need some nasal spray to keep his sinuses from getting too dry. This worked for as long as we used it, but sure enough, this morning around 1:30 I could hear him sniffling and starting to cry. The poor little guy was sitting up in bed with a thin red trail leading across his left cheek and down on to his neck. So in we went to the bathroom for the cleanup and to calm him down.

To his credit, Samson takes these episodes with as much aplomb as can be expected from a three-year-old in the middle of the night. I, on the other hand, have been pretty much "scared straight" from pursuing a second career as a cutman.

We called Sam's doctor again this morning, and he recommended using the nasal spray again and referred us to an ENT specialist. Stay tuned...

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