

My father has been sick for the past few days with a kidney infection. He's 81 and not in great health, so I try not to keep Samson apprised of Papa's condition every time he gets sick. Vicki mentioned it, however, and Samson thought a care package and card might help cheer his grandfather up.

So he asked Vicki for some supplies and set to work making my dad his own La-La and a get well card.

Those tasks completed, he was a little worried that there wasn't a toy for Papa. So he went through his stuff and picked out one of his superheroes. [Samson already had a Batman figure when he got this other Batman, so he decided this new guy was "Ra," Batman's brother. Full disclosure: In the hierarchy of Sam's superheroes, Ra is pretty much near the bottom. I don't think an act of Congress could have induced Samson to send his Papa The Flash.]

The package was already on its way by the time I got home from work, but Vicki was kind enough to take pictures so I could see what my boy had done. Occasionally words fail me, and this is one of those times.

Suffice to say, young Samson has a very big heart. And I am both humbled and extremely proud.

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