
Sunday in the park

At a certain point (at least for those of us who like cool, if not cold weather) the summer ceases to be a novelty.

Sure the long days are nice, and I suppose the whole no-school thing is a bonus. But at this time of year, the outdoor fairs and festivals start to peter out, and it's basically too hot to spend a whole lot of time outside anyway.

Still, there's nothing worse than a house full of air-conditioned crazy. Especially when the sport of choice is couch jumping. [Sidenote: I made the mistake of leaving a copy of the punk documentary "American Hardcore" sitting on the coffee table. Samson took one look at this guy and thought it might be fun to try. Luckily, I was not home: Vicki was not amused.]

So on Sunday we visited a park we haven't been to since Samson was a very little guy. Lots of giant recycled tires and other fun things. It didn't disappoint. Despite the fact that the tires in the direct sun were a little hard to climb, owing to their heat-retaining qualities, the kids had a blast.

And, selfishly, it was nice to be able to climb along with them.

Unfortunately --- in our rush to get out the door before someone got hungry, tired, or needed to pee [E.R. docs have a "golden hour"; we've got the golden 15 minutes] --- we forgot to pack a lunch. And so even though nobody was tired or hungry (yet), we needed to leave the park to get some food. Contingent on our leaving without too much wailing and gnashing of teeth, however, was a promise that we'd come back after eating.

Which we did.

Is there anything more fun than a friendly game of baseball on a warm summer day?

By the way, Samson is a total purist and insists, before taking any at-bats, on sitting "in the dugout." He'll then call out his own name and approach the plate, hit his Crocs with the end of the bat, dig in, and announce: "ready for the pitch." I'm not kidding. And Jane is just happy to be wherever her brother is.

At least for a little while.

Maybe summer isn't so bad after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane may look like Mama but "that face" is all MoMo. Her cousin, Luke, has it in his bag of tricks too.