
Preschool of hard knocks

Yesterday was Samson's first day of school. As in years past (see here and here), I tried to get the official first day of school picture.

And as in years past, as you can see, it sort of worked. Samson was insistent that La-La be included in this year's picture. Rather than fight with him on the front step, I figured so be it.

This year, however, we had an interloper: Star, the neighbor's cat, who "gets out" so often that it might as well be an outdoor cat.

Alas, Star has taken to stalking Samson whenever she sees him outside.

At this point I decided I better put the camera down and help defend Samson against all seven pounds of our neighbor's almost stray pet. And off to school we went.

No trouble (and I hadn't expected any) at the drop-off, especially as Sam's buddy Jacob is in his class. In fact, Vicki had to pull him from the playground at the end of the day when she went to pick him up.

I got home excited to hear all about his day, but the face that greeted me at the door had a slight shiner and a cut to the side of the right eye. Samson was chosen to be line leader for the first day of school and was injured in the line of duty. Literally.

Apparently, while leading his class down the ramp and to the stairs he walked into the corner where two hallways meet. I wish I was kidding.

The "incident report" noted that he didn't want ice or a band-aid, and that he cried a bit but was then OK. By the time I got home he seemed to have forgotten all about it.

And so another school year begins...

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