

It's not exactly in focus or particularly well composed, but there is just something about this picture I really like.

I had the day off on Thursday [hence my ambitious racetrack/balloon launch plans], and we went to the zoo in the early afternoon. Apparently, so did every unruly third grade class in the greater tri-state area.

There were about 7,000 school groups running amok throughout the zoo. It was like Lord of the Flies meets A Hard Day's Night but with colored t-shirts and name tags.

Seriously, every exhibit had an animal that looked like it was calculating its chances at grabbing one of the kids hanging over the fence.

The leopard was particularly attentive to the boys from a local Lutheran day school. Ditto for the vultures. But even the penguins appeared to be considering how much kid they could fit in their cave.

The trip, by the way, was probably Sam's favorite ever because he got to spend more than an hour observing big kids running free.

And I think he really was studying them, because he turned to me at one point and asked in a very serious tone: "Do girls poop?"

Good times.

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