
The beautiful game

We were in New York with my parents for a few days last week. The weather was unseasonably nice, and so we spent a lot of time in the back yard.

As a teenager, I hated that yard because I had to mow it. As the father of two small children, I loved it like I've loved no other lawn before. We were out more than we were in. Jane got to do her thing (walking/stumbling/falling/repeat) and Samson now has a new favorite sport: soccer.

And so we played. And played. And played some more. We may actually qualify for membership in FIFA at this point.

In any event, it was great to have so much room to run around. And he's already got better ball control than I did during my one inauspicious season playing youth soccer. It's not a good sign when you're a sub on the 7- and 8-year-old team. (Ironically enough, that's me holding the ball.)

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