
Farm fresh

We got up early on Saturday (surprise, surprise) and headed out to pick some strawberries. It was still relatively cool and not too crowded at the farm. Unfortunately, Jane took no morning nap and so was really cranky. This, combined with her still-wobbly walking skills, meant that everyone ended up looking like they'd been to a dinner party at Spahn Ranch. Which was fine for everyone except Vicki. Strawberries on shirt, OK; strawberries on seat of pants, not so much.

I'm not sure what happens, but whenever we go picking [apples, strawberries, peaches], I get all hunter-gathery. Seriously, we had five pounds of strawberries and I was pulling the "five more minutes" thing with everyone. Of course, all those cut-and-runners are enjoying the jam I made last night.

Our neighborhood grocery store just underwent a complete renovation, so they've taken to posting a sullen teenager by the door with store maps and mumbled offers of assistance to help everyone adjust. When I asked "Justin" [has anyone cool ever had that name?] where the pectin was, I might as well have been asking for a copy of the Gilgamesh.

Anyway, I did find it --- and no, Justin, it's not in the same aisle as the jelly --- but it turns out I didn't need it.

Here's a quick and easy recipe. [Remember to sterilize your jars before putting anything in them; nothing ruins fresh strawberry jam on toast like botulism. And once you give people food poisoning, they never let you live it down.]

3 lbs strawberries, hulled
3 cups sugar
1 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice

Mash the strawberries and simmer for 10 minutes. Add sugar and lemon juice, stirring to ensure the sugar fully dissolves (approximately 2 minutes). Boil for 10 - 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and ladling off any foam. Pour while still hot into jars, leaving 1/4 inch at the top.

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