
A new hope

With the end of the school year, Vicki had to close down her office. Which meant she had to find and turn in her office key. Which led to a search for her winter coat, which was packed away in the attic for the summer. Which meant that yesterday, while it was 98 degrees outside, our Vicki was in the attic rummaging through down jackets and wool coats.

On the plus side, she decided that it would be a good time to introduce Samson to his patrimony: a gently used and nearly complete set of Star Wars figures.

I'm not sure which one of us was more excited to play with this stuff. [Sidenote: for those of you keeping score at home: that's an original X-wing fighter, the plastic part of the Jawa sandcrawler set, the Hoth battle station, and Jabba the Hutt, who Samson thought looked "like a poop with eyes."]

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